Abandoned Well Sealing Cost Share
The Traverse SWCD has received grant money from the Traverse County Water Plan to implement an abandoned well sealing cost share program. This cost share program provides up to 50% (maximum payment of $400) for eligible costs of sealing abandoned or unused wells. The application process is as follows: pick up an application from the Traverse SWCD office in Wheaton. Obtain at least two bids from licensed well drillers/sealers to seal the well. Turn in the completed application with the written estimates to the Traverse SWCD office. The application is reviewed by the SWCD Board, who then sets the amount of cost share. After the well is sealed, the landowner is responsible for paying the entire bill and submitting the paid receipts to the SWCD for reimbursement.
By making this program available, the County Water Plan Policy Committee and the SWCD Board of Supervisors recognizes the importance of sealing abandoned wells. Open wells provide a direct conduit into underground aquifers for contaminants such as pesticides, petroleum products and lawn fertilizers, which pose a major threat to our drinking water supply. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact our office in Wheaton at 320/563-8218 ext. 3.
DNR Well Monitoring
The Traverse SWCD collects and records data from a well in Traverse County. The information that is gathered is sent to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Rain Gauge Monitoring
The Traverse SWCD, in cooperation with the DNR Office of State Climatology and with the assistance of volunteers, has been measuring rainfall levels throughout Traverse County. Each participant receives a rain gauge and monthly forms to record daily rainfall. Additionally, each participant receives an annual report from the Climatology Office. This report includes the data that the participants have turned in for the year.
There are 3 volunteers as well as our District Technician who record the daily rainfall on a monthly report along with any other interesting weather facts. Thank you to Darrel Moerer, Darlene Beyer and Marcia DeNeui for volunteering their services.
State Cost Share
The Board of Water and Soil Resources provides grants to the Soil and Water Conservation Districts so they can help local landowners or land occupiers offset the costs of installing conservation practices that protect and improve water quality.
Agriculture Best Management Practices (Ag BMP)
The Ag BMP loan Program provides low interest financing to farmers, rural landowners, and agriculture supply businesses to implement practices that prevent water pollution. The program also provides loans for projects that reduce existing water quality problems caused by agricultural activities or failing septic systems.
Click here to be directed to the Minnesota Department of Ag website.
Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM)
The RIM Program protects and improves water quality, reduces soil erosion, and enhances fish and wildlife habitat by retiring private marginal cropland from agricultural production, planting permanent native vegetation, and restoring previously drained wetlands.
The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is a combined Federal, State, and Natural Resource Conservation program that works to protect environmentally sensitive land. Participants receive financial incentives for contracts for removing cropland from agricultural productions and converting the land to native grasses, trees, and other native vegetation along with completing wetland restorations.